Tuesday, August 21, 2012

How to Overcome Loneliness

get involved with people.You have to step out of your isolation and find a way to get connected to the human race. There’s nothing more healing to the soul than to experience the love and the support you can only get from being involved with other human beings.  We all need to feel like we have a place in this world, that we matter to another living soul, that we hold some importance to somebody else.

get involved with people. You need to be able to step out of your own problems, out of your own pain, and contribute to somebody else’s life. Involvement with other people, providing emotional nutrition for somebody else is a magical elixir for your own frozen soul. When you isolate and disconnect from the world, you feel empty as your life is void of meaningful contact with others. Feeling alienated from the rest of the world drains your spirit of hope and purpose, the thought that your life matter

The only way I know of to put an end to the pain that you experience from feeling isolated and alone is to get involved with the human race. And the only way I know of to get involved with the human race is to take action. To get more involved with people requires of you to be more proactive and less passive. So it’s up to you. Let’s get busy and create a plan of action that will enable you to slowly but surely get [re]connected to the human race. Here are some suggestions for you to consider. See if you can construct a plan of action that you can begin tomorrow and take the next thirty days to execute. Wait and see what a difference this will make to your emotional and spiritual well-being.

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