Thursday, August 16, 2012

How to be single and happy

Being single is not anything to be ashamed about in our age! We live in a time when most relationships break up and there is no guarantee that even the best ones will last.

Take charge of your reality and give up all that envy! Stop worrying about everyone else around you getting into relationships, and thinking that you need to as well. 

Focus on becoming the best person you can be. ,Go out shopping, hanging out with your friends or just do whatever your hearts wants you to

Realize that you are luck and fortunate
If you are depressed and think you are not lucky because you are single, think again

Expert Advice for the Newly Single

Be conscious of what you tell yourself. Negative, dangerous thoughts like 'I'm too old' or 'who'll want me after what I've been through?' keep us from moving forward. Cultivate an optimistic attitude, and more good things will happen.

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